A bit more about me and my art

My artistic journey started in 2006 after being made redundant from my corporate job.  To make best use of my break from work I set myself the challenge of learning two new skills, the first of which was horse riding. On my way home from my riding lesson, I discovered an art group in a local cafe: what a combination- coffee, cake, conversation and creativity - I was hooked!

Since then my journey has taken me from primarily using watercolor to enjoying the freedom and versatility of acrylics, sometimes with mixed media. I paint with anything from decorators’ brushes, baking scrapers or old rags to feathers which I’ve picked up whilst out walking. Conventional paint brushes do sometimes get used as well!

But one thing has remained consistent - my love of colourful, semi abstract landscapes created using bold brush strokes and mark making.

I spend a lot of time outdoors, particularly in Yorkshire where I live and also whilst travelling in our beloved campervan, stopping where the mood takes us. These landscapes provide endless inspiration for me to use colour and texture to express that uplifting feeling of being totally immersed in my surroundings. Using bold marks and a vivid palette of colours, my focus is often on the moody weather and blustery skies rather than detailed depictions of the landscape itself. So a suggestion or interpretation, rather than a detailed image.

My aim is simple:

To capture a sense of the fleeting atmosphere and my emotional response to it then to translate this into something more permanent.

I hope you enjoy my work!